
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

English: Flexible Thesaurus

Saya ingin berkongsi dengan anda tips yang saya beri kepada seorang junior (kerana dia bertanya kepada saya bagaimana hendak menguasai Bahasa Inggeris?). Ini merupakan sebahagian daripada e-mel saya kepadanya:

Lagi satu tips, (yang ni memang last minute betul la), awak tukar je adjectives yang common/biasa kepada yang bombastik. Contohnya,

I found a delicious cake yesterday. I ate it in a nice restaurant. I felt so happy on that day.

Tukarkan kepada: 

I found a scrumptious/sumptuous/mouth-watering cake yesterday. I ate it in a luxurious/classical/etc restaurant. I felt so euphoric/etc on that day.

Semua list bombastic words awak boleh cari kat internet. Google je, senang gila. Cari kat pun boleh jugak.

Cth: HAPPY, synonyms: cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful, jovial, jolly, jocular, gleeful, carefree, untroubled, delighted, smiling, beaming, grinning, in good spirits, in a good mood, lighthearted, pleased, contented, content, satisfied, gratified, buoyant, radiant, sunny, blithe, joyous, beatific; thrilled, elated, exhilarated, ecstatic, blissful, euphoric, overjoyed, exultant, rapturous, in seventh heaven, on cloud nine, walking on air, jumping for joy, jubilant

DELICIOUS, synonyms; delectable, mouthwatering, appetizing, tasty, flavorful, toothsome, palatable; succulent, luscious;scrumptious, delish, yummy, finger-licking, nummy, lip-smacking, melt-in-your-mouth, -licious

Dan lain-lain. Pastikan cari adjectives yang negatif jugak. Contohnya, SAD, LOSE, MAD, ANGRY dll.

Di bawah ini pula senarai perkataan bombastik yang boleh anda guna.

poignant, touching, moving, sad, affecting, pitiful, piteous, pathetic, sorrowful, mournful, wretched, miserable, distressing, heart-rending, tearjerking, plaintive, tragic

complicated, complex, intricate, involved, convoluted, tangled, impenetrable, knotty, tricky, thorny, labyrinthine, tortuous, Gordian; confusing, bewildering, perplexing; Rube Goldberg

word, term, name, expression, designation, locution, vocable; appellation

evoke: 1. bring to mind, put one in mind of, conjure up, summon (up), invoke, elicit, induce, kindle, stimulate, stir up, awaken, arouse, call forth; recall, echo, capture

2. bring to mind, put one in mind of, conjure up, summon (up), invoke, elicit, induce, kindle, stimulate, stir up, awaken, arouse, call forth; recall, echo, capture

exaggerated 1. overstate, overemphasize, overestimate, magnify, amplify, aggrandize, inflate; embellish, embroider, elaborate, overplay, dramatize; hyperbolize, stretch the truth;lay it on thick, make a mountain out of a molehill, blow out of all proportion, blow up, make a big thing of

2. overstated, inflated, magnified, amplified, aggrandized, excessive; hyperbolic, elaborate, overdone, overplayed, overblown, over-dramatized, melodramatic, sensational; over the top person human being, individual, man/woman, child, human, being, (living) soul, mortal, creature; personage, character, customer;

personage important person, VIP, luminary, celebrity, personality, name, famous name, household name, public figure, star, leading light, dignitary, notable, notability, worthy, panjandrum; person

stubborn obstinate, headstrong, willful, strong-willed, pigheaded, obdurate, difficult, contrary, perverse, recalcitrant, inflexible, iron-willed, uncompromising, unbending

proud haughty, conceited, self-important, egotistic, full of oneself, superior; overbearing, pompous, bumptious, presumptuous, imperious, overweening; proud, immodest

pleasant friendly, agreeable, amiable, nice, genial, cordial, likable, amicable, good-humored, good-natured, personable; hospitable, approachable, gracious, courteous, polite, obliging, helpful, considerate; charming, lovely, delightful, sweet, sympathetic, simpatico

Anda juga perlu mengetahui tatabahasa asas Bahasa Inggeris. Jika ayat sahaja sedap, tetapi struktur salah tiada guna juga. :)

Chemistry: Important Tips for Form 4 Chapters!

Perkara pertama dan paling asas anda perlu tahu ialah "BAGAIMANA MEMBACA JADUAL BERKALA". Kenapa saya katakan demikian? Kerana jawapan untuk kebanyakan soalan kimia terletak pada tahu atau tidak kita membaca jadual berkala. Percayalah!

  Saya sertakan juga beberapa nota di bawah yang boleh anda muat turun dan cetak dari link ini: Chemistry Notes F4 & F5.

*klik gambar untuk besarkan*

Harap membantu! ;D

Mathematics: Graphs of Functions

Alhamdulillah I've done my examination. So here I am, continue sharing with you my inputs! Have a blessed day!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Bagaimana Menjawab KBAT Sejarah?

Jika soalan dimulakan dengan "Apakah",
Senaraikan-ialah adalah dan akan

"Mengapakah"-disebabkan kerana

supaya dan agar


"Cara-cara-dgan cara dan melalui"

Untuk menjawab soalan KBAT, kebanyakannya memberi arahan supaya dimasukkan nilai-nilai murni. Ingat 14 kata kunci sahaja:

-berfikiran terbuka
-bersemangat waja

*jangan tulis ini sahaja ya kena bagi huraian dan contoh sekali

kredit: Syaraf Dinie

Ekonomi Asas: Sumber Ekonomi

BTMU (sumber ekonomi)

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Biology: Learning Through Interactive Video Games!

Have you ever noticed that students are more interested in playing with their phones than engaging in the amazing lesson you have planned?  I know I have! One of the main goals of this site is to help students to learn in a way that they truly enjoy, and make biology more fun.

 Click the link below to discover!

Topics Covered: Endocrine system, hormones, glands, feedback loops, negative feedback, insulin, glucagon, melatonin, adrenaline, growth hormone.

Topics Covered: The connection between meiosis, fertilization and genetics, Meiosis, genes, alleles, chromosomes, phases of meiosis I and II (prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase), interphase, cytokinesis, homologous chromosomes, sister chromatids, fertilization, genetics, genetic terms (homozygous, heterozygous, genotype, phenotype etc.)


Biology: Interactive Videos (Cell Structure and Cell Organisation)

Cells Cells - Parts of the Cell Rap 

"Cells, Cells" 
Original Rap by Ms. Quitmeyer- Legal name now changed to: Emily Crapnell

Today's the day were gonna learn about the cell
If I teach it okay, you'll know it very well
So listen up 6th graders-
-no room left for haters- lets talk about the building blocks of life- cells that make us.

Cells, cells they're made of organelles
Try to pull a fast one, the cytoplasm gels
The nucleus takes over controllin' everything
The party don't stop 'till the membrane blocks the scene
Inside the vacuole we can float around for hours
Running round with chloroplasts, lovin' sunlight showers
Cells, cells, they're made of organelles

First things first, there's two different types-
animal and plant cells that make up all life.
The little things that make up microscopic cells,
The main structures- yeah, we call them organelles.
Now let's break it down and get some information-
How do cells work? It's a crazy combination!


The cell membrane is the border patrol,
Who can cross over? The membrane lets 'em know
The gooey stuff inside, is called the cytoplasm
It holds the organelles- don't worry, plasm-has 'em!
In the middle of the cell you'll find the big brain,
The nucleus surrounded by nuclear membrane
Don't forget the vacuole filled up with water
It's a basic need for life when this rap keeps getting hotter!


The mitchondria's something every cell needs,
Breaking down the food and releasin' energy.
There's a place inside the cell where chemicals are stored, the squiggly golgi bodies, releasin' even more.
Yo hangin' in the cell is endoplasmic reticulum, synthesizin' enzymes for respiration, and um...
If you still think that this rap is whack, remember ribosomes making proteins gettin' jacked!


Lookin at the plant cell, weird and green
two more parts is all it takes you see?
Cell wall knows what's up when it comes to keepin' structure
Strong with cellulose, this cell can't get much tougher.
C-H- L-O- R-O -- Plast,
These little green machines are havin' a blast
Photosythenisizing- filled with chlorophyll
-they hit the cell club, runnin' up a high bill-


Human And Animal Cell Structure And Cell Organisation