Saya ingin berkongsi dengan anda tips yang saya beri kepada seorang junior (kerana dia bertanya kepada saya bagaimana hendak menguasai Bahasa Inggeris?). Ini merupakan sebahagian daripada e-mel saya kepadanya:
Lagi satu tips, (yang ni memang last minute betul la), awak tukar je adjectives yang common/biasa kepada yang bombastik. Contohnya,
I found a delicious cake yesterday. I ate it in a nice restaurant. I felt so happy on that day.
Tukarkan kepada:
I found a scrumptious/sumptuous/mouth-watering cake yesterday. I ate it in a luxurious/classical/etc restaurant. I felt so euphoric/etc on that day.
Semua list bombastic words awak boleh cari kat internet. Google je, senang gila. Cari kat pun boleh jugak.
Cth: HAPPY, synonyms: cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful, jovial, jolly, jocular, gleeful, carefree, untroubled, delighted, smiling, beaming, grinning, in good spirits, in a good mood, lighthearted, pleased, contented, content, satisfied, gratified, buoyant, radiant, sunny, blithe, joyous, beatific; thrilled, elated, exhilarated, ecstatic, blissful, euphoric, overjoyed, exultant, rapturous, in seventh heaven, on cloud nine, walking on air, jumping for joy, jubilant
DELICIOUS, synonyms; delectable, mouthwatering, appetizing, tasty, flavorful, toothsome, palatable;
succulent, luscious;scrumptious, delish, yummy, finger-licking, nummy, lip-smacking, melt-in-your-mouth, -licious
Dan lain-lain. Pastikan cari adjectives yang negatif jugak. Contohnya, SAD, LOSE, MAD, ANGRY dll.
Di bawah ini pula senarai perkataan bombastik yang boleh anda guna.
poignant, touching, moving, sad, affecting, pitiful, piteous, pathetic, sorrowful, mournful, wretched, miserable, distressing, heart-rending, tearjerking, plaintive, tragic
complicated, complex, intricate, involved, convoluted, tangled, impenetrable, knotty, tricky, thorny, labyrinthine, tortuous, Gordian; confusing, bewildering, perplexing; Rube Goldberg
word, term, name, expression, designation, locution, vocable; appellation
evoke: 1. bring to mind, put one in mind of, conjure up, summon (up), invoke, elicit, induce, kindle, stimulate, stir up, awaken, arouse, call forth; recall, echo, capture
2. bring to mind, put one in mind of, conjure up, summon (up), invoke, elicit, induce, kindle, stimulate, stir up, awaken, arouse, call forth; recall, echo, capture
exaggerated 1. overstate, overemphasize, overestimate, magnify, amplify, aggrandize, inflate; embellish, embroider, elaborate, overplay, dramatize; hyperbolize, stretch the truth;lay it on thick, make a mountain out of a molehill, blow out of all proportion, blow up, make a big thing of
2. overstated, inflated, magnified, amplified, aggrandized, excessive; hyperbolic, elaborate, overdone, overplayed, overblown, over-dramatized, melodramatic, sensational; over the top
person human being, individual, man/woman, child, human, being, (living) soul, mortal, creature; personage, character, customer;
personage important person, VIP, luminary, celebrity, personality, name, famous name, household name, public figure, star, leading light, dignitary, notable, notability, worthy, panjandrum; person
stubborn obstinate, headstrong, willful, strong-willed, pigheaded, obdurate, difficult, contrary, perverse, recalcitrant, inflexible, iron-willed, uncompromising, unbending
proud haughty, conceited, self-important, egotistic, full of oneself, superior; overbearing, pompous, bumptious, presumptuous, imperious, overweening; proud, immodest
pleasant friendly, agreeable, amiable, nice, genial, cordial, likable, amicable, good-humored, good-natured, personable; hospitable, approachable, gracious, courteous, polite, obliging, helpful, considerate; charming, lovely, delightful, sweet, sympathetic, simpatico
Anda juga perlu mengetahui tatabahasa asas Bahasa Inggeris. Jika ayat sahaja sedap, tetapi struktur salah tiada guna juga. :)
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Chemistry: Important Tips for Form 4 Chapters!
Saya sertakan juga beberapa nota di bawah yang boleh anda muat turun dan cetak dari link ini: Chemistry Notes F4 & F5.
*klik gambar untuk besarkan*
Harap membantu! ;D